Pereira Headquarters

office in Pereira

Office in Pereira

Elizabeth Reinosa MD.

Physician and Surgeon

Medical Method NEC Pereira

Physician from the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira 2010. Hospital physician with 9 well years of experience in the management of adult patients and chronic diseases, TNT 0.1 certification in hospital nutrition and NEC certified medical practitioner.

Passionate about health through nutrition with 4 years of experience in nutritional consultation and overweight management.

Office in Pereira


Office in Pereira - Método NEC
My life before the NEC was an agony, now I have lost almost 50 kg and lead a healthy and normal life. I am very grateful to the Doctor for introducing me to this treatment.
Linen Strap
Professional Chef
Office in Pereira - Método NEC
Now I can wear clothes that I had saved years ago, I recommend it 100% both for my results and for the specialists behind the treatment.
Nathaly Lloreda
Kitchen assistant
Office in Pereira - Método NEC
Thanks to NEC I improve my self-esteem, I look and feel better. I have lost 13 Kgs to date and am happy with the results.
Juan Carlos Girón
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