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Find out what the NEC Method is

NEC ketogenic enteral nutrition is the beginning of a program or treatment to lose weight, eliminate cellulite and localized fat, which will teach you to eat without regaining the lost Kg and to maintain, without effort, the achieved body contour.

Our protocol lasts for 10 days, of ingestion of enteral protein feeding through a thin naso-gastric tube connected to a small infusion pump and a bag with protein nutrition without sugars or fats, in this way the body develops the formation of substances called ketone bodies, whose presence cancels the feeling of hunger. The ketone bodies formed are the result of the process of transforming the storage of fat into sugar necessary to carry out normal physical and intellectual activities.

This type of feeding with continuous infusion into the stomach is 24 hours. During this enteral feeding period, a loss between 8% and 10% of your body weight is guaranteed, this weight loss is only fat, keeping the muscle mass intact.
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NEC ketogenic enteral nutrition
Amin k 21
Certificaciones Método NEC
Certificaciones Método NEC

Our Amin 21k supplement
The importance of quality

The amino acids contained in Amin 21k are derived directly from whey proteins.

This precision is extremely important to define the quality of an amino acid supplement, especially if it is used in the context of a dietary treatment to reduce excess weight, which is why it is essential for the final result, losing only adipose tissue and storing the complete lean body mass, which will be maintained by the use of amino acids and its high quality of biological protein.

Proteins of animal origin (milk, egg white) have greater bioavailability than vegetables (legumes including soy).
Most supplements that do not use plant proteins as raw materials are based on milk proteins.
But even in this aspect it deserves a clarification: in milk there are two large groups of proteins, physically separated and with different nutritional characteristics, the casein and whey proteins.

The main characteristics of whey proteins are that they are of high biological value, high insulin index, large amount of branched chain amino acids and low allergenicity. Weight loss treatment.
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Caseins have opposite properties, also in the stomach they tend to form a clot whose complete digestion takes several hours.

The raw material from which Amin 21 K originates is based exclusively on whey proteins, treated with a microfiltration extraction technique, another important component in determining the final quality of the supplement.

This technique is the most expensive among those in use, but it is the only one capable of better preserving the integrity and the presence of the bioactive protein fraction that determine the quality of the supplement itself.
In fact, the analysis of Amin 21 K with the more traditional techniques (electrophoresis, analysis of the bands) and with nuclear magnetic resonance, it is evident how in this supplement there is a significant amount of proteins of high molecular weight (lacto-albumin) and a discrete concentration of lacto-Ferrine and lacto-globulin.

Even the amount of free amino acids, especially the most essential ones, is an aspect that should not be underestimated when starting a weight loss treatment.

NEC method helps you



Obesity is a real epidemic throughout the world and in Colombia it reaches 45% of the population. Despite the degree of malnutrition in the world, according to the World Health Organization, obesity turns out to be one of the main problems of so-called “public health” in modern society. We are facing a global epidemic that is spreading in many countries and that can cause, if immediate action is not taken, serious health problems in the coming years.

Obesity is a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation of body fat, usually caused by poor diets and a sedentary lifestyle. Obesity and overweight are conditions often associated with premature death, and are now universally recognized as risk factors in major chronic diseases. At the level of the cardiovascular system, the effects of obesity are often found: arteriosclerosis, heart disease, hypertension, cerebral vascular diseases, coronary heart disease, strokes and heart attacks. At the osteo-articular level, arthritis, osteoarthritis and other osteo-articular diseases can develop. In obese subjects, there is also a high incidence of developing certain cancers, especially of the stomach, colon, breast, gallbladder and endometrium.

Often, obese people also develop type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemias, gallstones, and metabolic problems. The NEC method is a treatment to lose weight and help you have a better lifestyle.



Estudios científicos recientes han demostrado la efectividad del método NEC en el tratamiento de la celulitis y los depósitos localizados de grasa. La principal fuente para la acumulación de grasa son los azucares refinados (azucares de mesa) o los llamados Glúcidos de absorción rápida. El término “depósitos grasos” significa una limitada acumulación de tejido adiposo relativamente localizado, que se da en áreas específicas del cuerpo. Estas áreas son habitualmente resistentes a la mayoría de dietas variadas y actividades físicas. Una alimentación esencialmente proteica ha mostrado ser la más apropiada y efectiva en el tratamiento de este tipo de depósitos grasos y celulitis.

Estas acumulaciones de grasa son típicas en la mujer porque se atribuyen a los estrógenos hormonales. Estas hormonas estimulan la adipogénesis, un mecanismo muy útil que asegura una potencial reserva de energía de los ácidos grasos durante la lactancia. La mujer no puede entender positivamente esta motivación “romántica” del fenómeno. Está más a menudo molesta por el efecto antiestético de los depósitos de grasa localizados en su silueta.

El consumo de grasa con el método NEC es a todo nivel incluido los depósitos grasos de las células de la piel, durante el tratamiento los aminoácidos de cadena ramificada estimulan la producción de la hormona de crecimiento la cual mejora los niveles de masa corporal moldeando así su cuerpo y eliminando la celulitis.



Controlling weight can help fight and prevent diabetes.

The incidence of being overweight on type 2 diabetes can be up to 90%. Diabetes is a word that derives from Greek and means to pass through and identifies diseases characterized by polyuria (abundant urine production) and polydipsia (abundant water ingestion).

We can classify diabetes into two diseases with the common characteristic of presenting abundant amounts of urine without causes or other symptoms:

1. Saccharine diabetes

It comprises a group of metabolic disorders characterized by persistent instability of the blood glycemic level, going from hyperglycemic conditions to hypoglycemic conditions.

2. Diabetes insipidus or DIN E23 2

It is a disease characterized by abundant urine, polyuria, and asthenuria, that is, reduced ability of the kidney to concentrate the urine, thus eliminating the greater density of solutes.



Controlar el peso puede ayudar a combatir y prevenir problemas cardíacos e hipertensión

La hipertensión arterial es un aumento estable de la presión arterial en la circulación sistémica.

Con presión máxima se entiende la presión sistólica, es decir la producida durante la sístole cardíaca, mientras para presión mínima se entiende la presión diastólica, es decir la producida durante la diástole cardíaca.

Cuando la presión sistólica y la presión diastólica no pueden ser reconducidas a una única categoría, se considera la categoría más alta. La valuación debe ser hecha teniendo en cuenta la edad del individuo en cuanto la presión arterial sube normalmente con la edad: en los pacientes ancianos se considera normal una presión sistólica de 140/150 mmHg.

Hay dos formas de hipertensión arterial:

1. Hipertensión esencial, primitiva o idiopática donde no se reconoce una causa específica por el aumento de la presión y la terapia será solo sintomática.

2. Hipertensión secundaria si la causa puede ser tratada y resuelta con consecuente solución de la hipertensión misma.


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